Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Committee Members 


To be confirmed. 

Members of the Public
To be confirmed


The Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee and Members is currently being revised. Updated information will be available soon.  However, if you would like to become a member of the Committee, please send your request to:  


To be revised 2022



Old News: 2019.

Marldon Parish Council is in the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. This is the mechanism whereby local communities can help decide what development should take place and where within the parish in the future. In the light of the relaxation of planning regulations and the government’s presumption in favour of development it is perhaps the only check there may be on unrestricted development. Once in place it is quite a powerful tool, but the process of creating the plan is quite involved. It includes seeking the views of the local parishioners and to this end all parishioners have been given the opportunity to contribute towards the plan through a questionnaire As of mid-June the questionnaires are being processed and when complete the results will be published on this website, the notice-boards and elsewhere. There have already been several public meetings, including the last two Annual Parish Meetings (to which all parishioners are formally invited by delivery of a flyer), at which parishioners have been able to voice their views and the results are recorded. There is a Neighbourhood Planning Working Party made up of 4 Councillors and 5 parishioners if anyone wishes to join this team please contact the clerk. Further comments on the Plan can be made directly to the clerk if necessary. In due course the draft conclusions of the Working Party will be published and a further round of consultation will take place. Once approved locally, the Plan will be scrutinised by an outside inspector and if successful a final referendum will be held to adopt the Plan.